My Christmas Miracle.....

One of my Lactation clients and friend, with her first baby....Their Breastfeeding story and pictures shared with permission.

My early Christmas Miracle 🎄

About 3 years ago, while I was working at a hospital owned lactation clinic, I took a lunch break and drove over to Sprouts to find something to eat. While sanding in line to pay, I noticed a darling mom and baby behind me. I smiled at her, knowing she looked familiar. Then this  sweat mother got my attention, and proceeded to thank me for helping her overcome her breastfeeding issues. She told me how much she appreciated my help, and that she went on to breastfeed for many months. Oh my goodness, she made my could it get any better?

I floated home in my car back to the clinic 😍 on cloud nine. A simple "thank you" does more to lift a care giver's spirits than anything else! I also really love to find out about what eventually happened to my clients. I returned to the clinic just before my next appointment was about to start. The secretary informed me that another mother had just stopped by after having her daughter's appointment at the pediatric rehab clinic next door. She shared with the secretary that she had hoped that I was there and wanted to thank me for the help and support that I had given her! What? I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have two moms who were clients in the past go out of their way to say thank you!  But, I wondered who it was? I wished I had been there to see her....... Fast forward to  December 8th, 2018. I had recently made the difficult decision to leave my job as an RN and IBCLC at Intermountain after 21 years of dedicated service. I received this beautiful Instagram message (shared with her permission).....

The mystery of who had stopped by the clinic on that wonderful day three years ago to thank me was solved! And, I really DID remember her and her sweet baby girl! 

I distinctly remember being asked to help a 2 week old failure to thrive infant on pediatrics. With a busy floor on Mother/Baby, many times we do the best we can to make it over onto the pediatric wing if needed.

I vividly remember walking into the pediatric room and seeking little Zoey and her momma. I instantly recognized (mom) Stephanie and her baby Zoey, as I had helped them on the Mother/Baby floor two weeks before. I remembered being worried about Zoey's ability to breastfeed. 

After Zoey had been readmitted for "Failure to thrive" I remember feeling very frustrated with the care providers. They could not or would not recognize that this sweet little baby girl's neck was severely limiting her movements, and physically she could not latch and suckle well. I knew that this and possible tongue tie were causing failure to thrive, and failure to stimulate an adequate milk supply. 

Tiny, sweet little Zoey in a huge hospital crib

I happened to be in the room when 2-3 residents came in to round with the pediatrician. I laid Zoey down on the big crib without blankets and asked the resident if she noticed anything wrong. She did notice the obvious Torticolis, which was now much more pronounced than is was when she was first born and swollen. But these doctors were not correlating this conditions and poor breastfeeding.

Little Zoey had already lost too much weight, despite her mother working tirelessly to get more breast milk, and to get Zoey to latch and suckle effectively to remove milk...I felt...and I think Stephanie felt that we were the only ones who could see the correlation between the poor breastfeeding, and the torticolis. I randomly was working in the lactation clinic on a day she had an appointment to be seen...true story! 3 random meetings? 

 Zoey's mom was offered some stretching exercises do with Zoey for her neck, but she listened to her mother's instinct and went further! Besides all of the pumping she did, she also took Zoey to "Kids on the Move," Pediatric Rehab appointments, and also took her to a wonderful chiropractor for one full year! Here is little Zoey's transformation:

Zoey wore a helmet to correct her misshapen head due to her torticolis. 

Look at this little cutie now! She calls me Jenna, and I love it! 💗

This is my Christmas Miracle! I'm so happy to see her doing so well, and now with a darling little sister!

 Zoey's case really sparked the fire in my belly as far as advocating for babies with conditions and situations that negatively effect breastfeeding! 

Two cute sisters in their Christmas dresses 😊 

So there you have it. One of my lactation consulting stories that is happy and successful, despite needing to supplement with formula. In fact, Zoey is smart, tender, caring, and loves to play! Now I have the privilege of working with her new baby sister Maddie. But this time things are different. I really appreciate it when one of my patients/clients listens to what I teach, and then does it!....even  years later with her second baby. Stephanie is making plenty of breast milk, and Maddie is seeing their chiropractor to help with just a slight asymmetry. She does better and better at removing milk from the breast! Stephanie is now on the cusp of exclusive breastfeeding!!! Yay!!!

(However, I truly believe that if Maddie just needs one bottle a day, and Stephanie can't get past that, then call it great! and move on to enjoy her beautiful daughters!) 


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