lINK TO pink oatmeal "Tummy-Time" website January 19, 2014, By Chanda JOTHEN PT, D Tummy time sounds so simple. Although, for many parents, tummy time turns out to be not so simple! Often times tummy time is easy to skip especially if you have a baby that doesn’t enjoy it. So, what is the deal with tummy time anyway and why do doctors and therapist’s encourage it? HISTORY In the early ’90s parents were advised that they needed to put their babies on their backs to sleep to prevent the occurrence of SIDS. With this change, there was a decrease in the occurrence of SIDS, which is wonderful! Prior to back to sleep, many babies slept on their stomachs and not their backs, so when you hear parents or grandparents say that they never did tummy time that’s probably the reason why. Tummy time became a popular concept after the back to sleep change. In 2008 a survey of 400 physical ther...