Help! My newborn isn't Latching

Your beautiful little newborn was just laid onto your chest, skin to skin, your birth plan says you want to breastfeed within the first hour of delivery if possible! But this tired little newborn just lays relaxed on his mother's rooting, lip smacking, or sucking on his fist...just calm and quiet. What now? There are many reasons that would affect the baby's ability to latch in the time frames we expect, in fact it may take the help of a very experienced IBCLC, cranial sacral therapists, occupational therapists, or even a specifically skilled dentist to help baby latch, and breastfeed effectively! Consider these scenarios to help make sense about why baby may not be ready or capable of latching yet: "Hurdles for Babies" After laboring for 15 hours, most of that time on IV pitocin...followed by pushing for almost 2 hours, your baby has finally delivered with the assistance of a vacuum extractor. Thankfully, you had an epidural an...