#5 Babies Can be very Sleepy and Difficult to Awaken to Breast Feed.

"I've tried and tied to feed him, but he only fed a little. Why he is so sleepy?" This is something I hear nearly every day. I am either requested by a mother, or an RN who has been working with the baby but neither of them can get the baby to actively breastfeed; "My baby fed so well after delivery, but now he won't wake up to feed, or he falls asleep quickly into the feeding." Now PLEASE remember that I am speaking of healthy full term babies, born with no risk factors. The babies I'm speaking of have brown fat energy stores (formed in the last 1-2 weeks before delivery) that help keep their blood sugars stable while only eating infrequently during their first 24 hours. And this is the fact...full term, healthy babies are very tired and sleepy especially during the first 24 hours. However, a little sleepiness can extend into the first 1-2 weeks and still be considered normal...frustrating, but normal! The "Golden Hour" of brea...