#4 Nipples and the latch. Fitting mom and baby together!

So let's talk a little bit about breast and nipple shapes. I have seen very large breasts with flat tiny areola and nipples~extremely small breasts with long everted nipples. I see nipples that point outward, nipples that point straight down, nipples that are the size of quarters in diameter! And nipples so extremely inverted that they wouldn't even extend into a pump flange or a nipple shield. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had perfect breasts/nipples for baby to latch onto, and produced a full milk supply. In reality, 28-35% of first mothers have issues related to flat, "shy", or inverted nipples. What can be done if you find you have flat or inverted nipples? Well, knowledge is power! You can start with knowing what type of obstacle you may face with nursing your baby. Ideally a prenatal appointment with an IBCLC where she can review any pertinent medical history, and examine your breasts and nipples. Now you will know what you need to do sometimes before...